Deep cleaning services are notoriously messy, messy enough that you might want to avoid doing certain things before your cleaning service arrives. The last thing you want to do before your deep cleaning service comes to your home is create more mess. Deep cleaning can be a messy endeavor, especially if you have pets, kids or other household members who like to leave their mark on the house. Before your cleaning service comes in, avoid these common mistakes so your home is as clean as possible on arrival and you don’t have to clean up after your cleaning service as well. Depending on your cleaning service and their cleaning process, these tips may vary slightly, but there are some common things you should avoid doing before your deep cleaning service arrives:

Don’t Throw Away Anything You Don’t Need

Before your deep cleaning service arrives, make sure you don’t throw away anything that you don’t need. This includes newspapers, magazines, and anything else that is not part of your regular reading material. If you have any old newspapers or magazines, put them in a box or bag and store them in a closet or another out-of-the-way place. You might want to donate them to your local library or charity before your cleaning service comes to your home. If you have any old toys or appliances that you don’t use, store them in a closet or garage. This will save you from having to throw them away at the end of your cleaning service. You can also borrow items from friends, family members, or neighbours if you need them for your deep cleaning service.

Don’t Move Anything That’s Not a Piece of Furniture

Before your cleaning service comes to your home, don’t move any items that aren’t a piece of furniture. This includes rugs, curtains, and other items that you might want to remove from the floor or wall. If you have rugs in the house that you want to remove, roll them up and store them in a closet or another out-of-the-way place until your deep cleaning service arrives. If you have curtains that you want to remove, hang them on a wall or another piece of furniture. You don’t want to take away anything that your cleaning service needs to clean, so don’t move anything that is not a piece of furniture. This will make your deep cleaning service go much more smoothly.

Don’t Move Furniture or Anything That’s Heavy

Before your cleaning service arrives, don’t move furniture or anything that is heavy. This includes large appliances, furniture, and other items that you don’t want to move around. Large appliances like washers and dryers, and furniture like couches and dressers are heavy and difficult to move. If you have pets, large appliances, or furniture that you don’t want to move, put it in a different room or store it in a closet or another out-of-the-way place until your cleaning service arrives. This will make your deep cleaning service go much more smoothly.

Don’t Move Anything That’s Part of a Wall or Carpet

Before your cleaning service arrives, don’t move anything that is part of a wall or carpet. This includes large appliances, furniture, curtains, and other items that you don’t want to move. If you have large appliances in your kitchen or bedroom, don’t move them around. If you have furniture or curtains that you want to remove, don’t move them. This will make your deep cleaning service go much more smoothly.

Don’t Move Anything That You Care About

Before your cleaning service arrives, don’t move anything that you care about. This includes pictures, mementos, and other items that you want to keep in the same place. If you have family heirlooms or anything that you want to keep in a specific room, don’t move them around. This will make your deep cleaning service go much more smoothly.


Deep cleaning services can be messy, which means you might want to avoid doing certain things before your cleaning service arrives. The last thing you want to do before your cleaning service arrives is create more mess. Before your cleaning service arrives, avoid these common mistakes so your home is as clean as possible on arrival and you don’t have to clean up after your cleaning service as well. Depending on your cleaning service and their cleaning process, these tips may vary slightly, but there are some common things you should avoid doing before your deep cleaning service arrives.